The sound of ADALINE makes you soar through unfathomable spheres. When combining the different music genres of the two bandleaders Jarek Venzke and Torsten Jansen, an impressive, vibrant and modern version of “space rock” emerges. “Fire and Soul”, the debut single of the band formed in Kaarst (Germany) in 2018, shows the tender side of the two guys. The irresistible voice as well as the distinctive spherical sound will catapult the listener into a new world beyond time and space.
When the two musicians first met in 2013 as part of a band project, they quickly realised that they had more to offer than just cover songs. Back then they formed their own band and started writing and composing their own songs. They became close friends and that finally created an exceptional bond between them. The all-round talent Venzke, notorious for playing a number of instruments, and the guitarist Jansen, well-known for his lyrics and melodies full of emotion, were on the same wavelength from the start.
The break-up of the band approx. 3 years later was not the end, but the beginning of a dream duo. While Venzke can now demonstrate his incredible vocal skills, Jansen composes songs and writes texts full of inexhaustible profundity, making full use of their potential. Their sensual lyrics and clear messages, combined with pure passion result in songs that are easy to sing along to but at the same time deeply touch the audience. ADALINE is busy in the studio, working on new music and songs that shall illuminate the world of music in 2025
01 2025
31.01.2025 | 20:00 BEBOP Kaarst
Location Pestalozzistr. 1, 41564 Kaarst
Tickets FREE
02 2025
06.02.2025 | 20:00 SPOTLIGHT - Mixed Show mit frischen Talenten aus Düsseldorf
Location Kappeler Straße 231, 40599 Düsseldorf
Tickets FREE